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Video Highlights

“Davis Dance takes the breath away. Remember the name. Valued importance gives it star awareness.”
-Holly Bartges, Colorado Backstage
“Church of Nations" (Excerpt)
By: Kevin Iega Jeff

“Killer Queen" (Excerpt -"Rock the Heart")
By: Terrell Davis

“Before Reality Sets In" (Excerpt)
By: Miguel Perez

“Resilience" (Excerpt)
By: Terrell Davis

Aubrey Klinger Fearns talks about "Tell Me" the Solo from "Life According to Annie
"Davis Contemporary Dance Company, like few other companies, has a wealth of male dance talent that adds much to it's performances".
-Donald Atwood, World Dance Reviews
“Talk to them. Watch them. Get to know them. Your spirit will say thank you a hundred times over.”
-Holly Bartges, Colorado Back stage

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